Monthly Archives: August 2017

A Blessing for the World


I wrote this after the Boston Marathon bombing and it’s time to send it back out into the world.

May the Gods of Heaven and Earth comfort the grieving and welcome the dead into Their realms. May the Spirits of Earth and Fire, Air and Water hold us in their arms and strengthen us against the hurt we all face. May our Ancestors watch over us and guide us with their wisdom. May Justice be swift and Healing be gentle. May Mercy, Love, and Peace fill us all with their Light. And may we all be able to look into the Dark Mirror and see the face of another as our own.

I’m Back and Better Than Ever


I disappeared again. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone considering how crap I am at keeping up with any sort of regular blogging. I didn’t intend for my absence to extend this long, though.

This last year was a bit of a mess and my depression and anxiety walloped my ass something fierce for large parts of it, but I’ve come out of it stronger and with a better sense of who I am what my place in the world is. I lost a lot that was precious to me in the process and I won’t lie and say it doesn’t still hurt like hell even a year later.

I gave up on writing for a bit; I was in just too dark of a place to see the point of it. But I’m back at it with a new piece that I’m keeping close to my vest for now. I’m also looking into self-publishing CHILD OF MISCHIEF since I don’t see any point in trying to find an agent to take it on or a publisher who wants urban fantasy. I’m hoping to be able to get that out the door before too long.

The house renovations are continuing apace. We finished the bedroom and walk-in closet this past spring and our big project for this fall is getting our chimney repaired since parts of it are crumbling to dust. Over the winter, I’m hoping to get somebody in to build my library bookshelves and reading nook since neither my husband or I are up for tackling that challenge ourselves.

I know I say this every time, but I’m going to try and blog on a somewhat more regular basis, though I absolutely suck at keeping to any sort of schedule.