Random Linky Links


Helen Keller describes the view from the Empire State Building. Damn did that woman have a way with words. Deaf and blind she described a view that was picturesque and poetic. Just because she was deaf and blind didn’t mean she couldn’t see and hear.

For anybody who loves Tarot cards, either reading them or simply collecting them, there is an awesome Kickstarter campaign going for an Urban Tarot Deck. The pieces that are already done are simply gorgeous and I would love to see this come to fruition.

Seanan McGuire has an awesome post up about why inclusiveness in fiction is so important. And she gives some really great book recs. Now my To Buy list has grown even longer.

And going along with the theme of inclusive fiction, Elizabeth Bear’s new book, Range of Ghosts, is John Scalzi’s The Big Idea. Range of Ghosts is an epic fantasy set in an Asian landscape rather than the more popular European one. Another book added to my To Buy list.

Jim C. Hines has an excellent post on dealing with online haters.

And another book to add to my To Buy list is Stacia Kane’s newest Downside book Sacrificial Magic. Oy, my budget for the month is going to be shot at this rate.


Also, I find it amusing that the very first related article that WordPress recommends is my own post about Seanan McGuire being harrassed for Discount Armageddon being released early. That book, BTW, was AWESOME! I can’t wait for the next in the series.

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