Where I’ve Been


When last I left you, dear readers (Are any of you still here? Did I lose you all with yet another prolonged absence?), back in April, I was hopefully getting ready to dive back into the world of querying. I’d gotten my query letter together and sent one out to the agent whom my previous agent had recommended as a good fit for me, but alas, querying was not to be for later that day, one of my writing partners got back to me saying that she thought Child of Mischief needed one more rewrite.

As much as I internally screamed and raged and swore, I knew she was right, so after a nice long discussion with both of my writing partners, I figured out what needed to be fixed. These last four months have been spent completely tearing CoM apart and putting it back together again. I cut out a character I’d thought was important, but as I was deleting his parts, I realized that it didn’t change the storyline a single bit (except for a couple of chapters at the end which turned out to only need a few tweaks to make work without him). And that is one of the key signs that a character doesn’t need to be in the story, btw. I also rearranged a few scenes, wrote some new ones, and basically buffed the hell out of all of it.

I am beyond happy with the way it came out and, barring any major goofs my writing partners might catch, I’m confident enough in it to start sending it out as soon as I finish getting my agent list together.

And speaking of agents! Sheesh… I haven’t paid much attention to the agent scene since early 2010 and boy oh boy has it changed. So many of the agents I’d queried for Where Demons Fear to Tread are now out of the business and dozens of new ones have cropped up. And now there’s a Twitter hashtag where agents can request certain types of books (#MSWL)! Where was this five years ago when I was first querying WDFTT?

I finished the rewrite at the beginning of last week then promptly took the rest of the week off to let my brain air out a bit. Today, I resume working on the fantasy novel I’ve been working on off and on for several years now. It features an asexual, aromantic exiled princess, her trans best friend, and a group of rogues working together to find the king who was kidnapped. I’m really excited about this project because it’s not based on Western Europe (or anywhere on our Earth) and the characters are fun and diverse. I’m working title is The Once and Future Princess, but I’m pretty sure I’ll have to change it.

So, now that you know what I’ve been up to these last few months, tell me what you all have been up to. While you do that, I’m going to go get Emereth and Trip into some trouble.

4 responses

      • : D I am okay! Starting a new job today : ) and the writing has stalled but I’m feeling better so maybe I’ll actually work on something? I’ve been focusing a lot on my YouTube channel, and I’m really excited to see where that is going. : ) how are you besides all the rewriting?? What have you been up to?

        • Yay! Congrats on the new job!

          Oh yeah! How’s that going? I keep getting notifications of new videos, but I’ve been so focused on the rewrites that I haven’t had anything left over to concentrate on other things.

          I’m doing really well. Hubby and I are hoping to finally finish up our bedroom remodel by the end of this month (it’s only been a little under two years since we first tore the walls down lol). When he gets home from work today we’re heading out to buy paint and stuff so we can get that part done this week. It’ll be so nice to get back into a proper bedroom with a closet so I’m not digging through boxes for clothes to wear.